Friday, September 04, 2009

Happy (Early) Labor Day!

Okies, going dark for the weekend, but I'll be back on Tuesday with a winner for the zombie contest. Everyone enjoy your long weekend (at least here in the US). Non-US folks, call in sick Monday and hang out with us on the beach. There's always enough food at these shindigs to go around.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Night of the Living ARC Contest

It's contest time again! This challenge is accidentally perfectly timed, as I found out this week is Zombie Appreciation Week. (And here we've been spending all our energy trying to decapitate them) So what better way to celebrate than by a zombie-themed contest? (And eating brains). Some of you might remember we did a un-official contest a while back for fun ideas for a real contest, and the winner got their contest chosen, and got to introduce it on the blog.

So take it away Michelle...

For those of you who have been following The Other Side of the Story, you've no doubt been on the edge of your seat as our hero Bob battles the horrors of flesh-eating zombies, jealous rifle-wielding babes, and passive voice. This story has everything, from a torrid love triangle to good ol' blood and guts, all while helping readers identify common and not-so-common mistakes in their own writing.

Your challenge for this contest is to come up with a title for this never-ending WIP, something that captures Bob's saga of the undead and ungrammatically correct.

-me again-

Thanks Michelle!

So that's it. Shoot me a title and win a signed ARC of The Shifter or The Pain Merchants. I'll be giving away one of each to the two best titles. And since titles are subjective, you're allowed to lobby for your favorites in the comments section. For those new to the blog who know nothing about Bob or his trials, you'll find a label marked "zombies" on the right that links to all the posts where Bob is mentioned. You don't have to know anything about Bob to enter though, as zombie stories are pretty universal and any good zombie-related title could win.


Who can enter: Everyone.

How do you enter: Post your title in the comments section of this post.

How many times can you enter: One entry per person, please.

Contest start date: Right now!

Contest end date: September 7, 2009.

Winner announced: September 8, 2009.

How do you get your prize: Winners will need to e-mail me their address so I can ship them their book.

And that's it.

*Yes, that zombie is me last Halloween. Think they'll let me use that for my author's photo? Nah, me neither.